Saturday, February 5, 2011

A wasted day, sort of.

I am really not a big fan of this middle of the afternoon Saturday demos.  I could go in to a whole rant, but I won’t.  Let’s just say that I went the simplest, easiest route I could have and the demo was exactly what I thought it would be, a waste of my morning and part of my afternoon.  But I did it, got paid, spent money and it is over and done with, until the next one comes around.  Thankfully I have a manager that totally understands my feelings on the demo.  And while that doesn’t get me out of it, at least I know my thoughts are mirrored.

After the demo, I’d picked up The Nephew, headed home to clean out the fridge, make a grocery list and plan something for him to cook for dinner.  Mom went with us to Walmart, and as always we tend to take our sweet time in the store.  By the time we were done shopping, we’d opted to go out to eat instead of cooking.  Dinner was pushed to a late lunch idea.

We decided, at my urging to go ahead and do some prep work tonight.  We are making an adaptation of a recipe I found for spaghetti pie.  I liked the idea of it, which is sort of a cross between spaghetti and lasagna, but I didn’t really want the whole bread ‘crust’ idea.  Plus this is just kind of how I cook, find a recipe, then make it my own.

Tonight we made the sauce and cooked the meat.  Neither was hard, but I knew it would save time tomorrow.  Tomorrow all we will have to do is mix the meat and sauce, cook the noodles, mix the cheese, layer and bake.

Because I knew it was way past time and I was really tired of opening the freezer door, shoving something in then quickly closing the door and hoping what ever it was didn’t fall out on my toes the next time the door was opened, I decided to clean out the freezer.  Not a task I enjoy, first because your fingers get so cold and second because when you start pulling out the freezer burnt food you get depressed about it.  Or at least I do.  But I know the freezer needs to be treated like the rest of the house.  I need to get rid of things out of it that need to go in the trash, to be able to organize it.  And organize it I did. 

I didn’t take a before picture, but it looks 100% better.  I rearranged the shelves so that I could put some plastic containers in it.  With the food sorted out I’m hoping it is easier to see what I have in there.

I didn’t buy a ton tonight, mainly fresh dairy and veggies/fruit because I knew I had stuff in the freezer and had planned to use some of it up.  Tomorrow I’ll look through the freezer again and make a list of what is in there and do a meal plan around all of it.  I should have done it tonight, but didn’t think about it until I had put everything back in and at that point I was just ready to be done.

Besides spending time with The Nephew, and the menu plan, there are a few other little things I may work on.  I really think I’m at the end of the list on the major sort through items, at least for now, so that is a plus.  I do know the little things are just as important to deal with.  Maybe after they are done I will be able to turn my focus on to my projects I have for decorating the two bedrooms. 

I’m going to close this up, make a quick list of some things I can do tomorrow if I find the time, and then get some shut eye.  Before I know it I will have a hungry teenage with a hollow leg wanting to cook breakfast and I’ll have to crawl out of bed to play kitchen supervisor.  I’ll do it though, because pancakes sure do sound good! 

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